Ace of Hearts: Asexuality

Kayson Carlin

Bowling Green State University

August 5, 2017



Asexuality is analyzed through a scientific and social lens to determine why it is so little known. Possible solutions are proposed to incorporate the asexual community into mainstream society with increased media visibility and education. The conclusion formed from various academic literature on asexuality, indicates a strong need for more attention from the general public.

Keywords: asexuality, sex, LGBT+, engagement

Ace of Hearts

In 2011, a coincidental Google search for funny YouTube videos resulted in one teenager’s self-discovery. For years, they felt somehow different from their peers, whose lives revolved around hook ups and break ups. Weren’t there more important things to worry about, like college admissions, refugees in the Middle East, or even alien life within our very own solar system? This teen felt like they were broken, physically, mentally, or both. They agonized over this, until the day they came across a term by pure chance; asexuality. It described someone who does not experience sexual attraction. There was even a community of these people whose experiences echoed the teen’s. Finally, they realized they weren’t broken, just different. And they were not alone. Only recently have sexologists begun to explore asexuality as an orientation. Had there been wider acknowledgement of such an orientation, perhaps the teen’s confusion could have been minimized. Unlike heterosexuality, which has major visibility, other orientations such as bisexuality, pansexuality, and especially asexuality, is scarcely known both to those who experience it, and those in the “outside”, sexual world. To have a more well-rounded and educated society, asexuality deserves the same attention from the public as other orientations.


The phenomenon of asexuality has been underreported for centuries. By default, a person is assumed to be heterosexual, believed to be “the norm”. Unless someone, like a historical figure, explicitly shows or states attraction to the same sex, they are often labeled by that default. This assumption however ignores other sexualities because they do not fit neatly into a binary of hetero/homo. With so little recognition, it’s no wonder why a majority of the public is unaware of the existence of asexuals. What’s more, it’s estimated only a small portion of the world’s population is asexual, much less than homosexuals, bisexuals, or pansexuals. As a result, asexuality does not garner attention from the general public because many believe it does not exist.

In 2004, psychologist Anthony Bogaert estimated that approximately 1% of the world’s population was asexual (Van Houdenhove, Gijs, T’Sjoen, & Enzlin, 2014 p.175). Compared to other sexual orientations, this is a minute number. But just because the prevelence is small, doesn’t mean that it is any less valid. While every other sexuality focuses on a certain type of sexual attraction as it’s main point, asexuality focuses on the lack thereof. For many sexual people, this is considered odd because sex is seen as an intristic part of life for all creatures. It’s believed that all animals have this innate urge to mate, including humans, as a way to keep the species alive. Some claim this is a basic desire dating back to our earliest ancestors. How could a human lack this primal instinct? As mentioned earlier, the occurance of asexuality is poorly recorded in history, which includes asexuality in animals. Until relatively recently, it was long thought that nearly all animals, especially mammals, were exclusively heterosexual. In a controlled experiment in 1997, researchers observed the sexual behavior of rams. “Most of the rams exhibit behaviors that evince heterosexual attraction. However, a significant minority of rams exhibit behaviors evincing marked attraction to the same sex (i.e., other rams) or both sexes (rams and ewes). There is also a significant minority of rams showing no interest or attraction for either rams or ewes” (Bogaert, 2015 p.363). This suggests that a small percentage indicate asexuality. Bogaert suggested “rams may provide an important animal model of human sexuality” (Bogaert, 2015 p.363). It can be concluded from such studies that asexuality has always existed in animals and humans, but is only now being discovered.

Another common misconception which leads to the invalidation of asexuality, is the idea that there must be something biologically wrong. Again, sex is considered a staple of life on earth and logically to not be interested signifies a possible medical problem. In fact, there is a term to describe such a medical abnormality; Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, or HSDD. To test this theory, two Canadian researchers Brotto and Yule, conducted an experiment with women who self-identify as heterosexual and women who self-identify as asexual. Through genital sexual response testing the results showed that both groups of women had similar physical responses, however the asexual group reported no increased desire for sex (Brotto & Yule, 2015 p.621). This demonstrates that the body of an asexual, or at least the genitals, react appropriately to stimulation just as heterosexuals, potentially ruling out HSDD. Furthermore, “the distinction between asexuality and disorders of low sexual desire (as outlined in the DSM-5) hinges on clinically significant personal distress arising from the lack of sexual desire” (Cranny, 2017 p.638). For example, if you have a freckle or mole on your face, it’s only a problem if you feel self-conscious about it, or it’s interfering with daily life. Asexuals reported little to no distress in their daily lives over the lack of sex or attraction.

By making this information of the concept of asexuality available to the general public, the awareness of asexuals will increase, bringing attention to the community. And with proper scientific data of it’s validity, asexuality will have a place at the discussion table.

One proposed solution to this lack of visibility is more informative sexual education. In schools, some states only require a basic overview of heteronormative safe sex practices, while other teach complete abstinence to their students. To contribute to our changing society, education needs to address non-heteronormative sexual issues. This normally includes homosexuality, and sometimes bisexuality/pansexuality. It is through these classes that some youth discover who they are. But excluding the topic of asexuality can leave a gaping hole for some individuals who are not aware there is life without sex. This happens in not just sexual education settings in school, but in everyday life such as doctor’s offices, clinics, and counseling centers. By bringing asexuality into the limelight, it helps those who do not experience sexual attraction find themselves, and those in the sexual world to broaden their understanding of fellow humans.

Another solution proposed is the increase of positive asexual representation in media. It seems a staple of any television show, movie, or book nowadays is a romantic, sexual relationship. It pops up in romance novels such as Twilight (Meyer, 2005), and even super hero movies, like Deadpool (Miller, 2016). There has been an increase in non-heterosexual visibility in the most recent decade, however asexuals are widely underrepresented. In the comedy sitcom, The Big Bang Theory (Cendrowski, 2007), the character Sheldon displays explicit asexual characteristics. Yet his behavior is coined as neurotic and comical. “Apparent from such popular culture excerpts, however, is how mockery and humor are being used in ways that can derogate asexuals or those suspected of being asexual” (MacInnis & Hodson, 2012 p.725). As a result, those who come across asexual representation in this light, also view asexuals as neurotic. It becomes a dismissive topic. There is an advantage to media to paint asexuality in a positive light which will influence those who consume said media. As it becomes more prominent to have complex asexual characters, it will no longer be considered “crazy” or “weird” and will instead normalize the way people view actual asexuals.

General understanding reduces the alienation of asexuals in society. It may be difficult to plainly see, but those in the asexual community are indeed faced with prejudice . In a 2011 survey, participants were told to assign and rate positive and negative traits to certain sexual groups. Among those groups were heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, and asexuals. It was no surprise that heterosexuality received the most positive feedback. “Within sexual minorities, homosexuals were evaluated most positively, followed by bisexuals, with asexuals being evaluated most negatively of all groups” (MacInnis & Hodson, 2012 p.731). In this study, asexuals were commonly viewed as “inhuman, cold, and less valuable” than their counterparts. This of course is a misconception, because sexual orientation does not determine humanistic traits. But it does speak volumes about what others think of the community. Such negativities hurt the asexual community and makes it more difficult to be accepted. As stated above, education and positive representation can go far in making asexuals feel included, as well as teaching society acceptance and tolerance. People will begin to see that even though they do not experience sexual attraction, asexuals are just as human as everyone else, complete with emotions, dreams, and relationships.

There are many steps to be taken to ensure asexuality becomes viewed as normal in the spectrum of human sexuality. As many in the general public have misconceptions about asexuality, the first step may be to eradicate these notions that there is something wrong with asexuals. When doing research, it’s obvious that scientists, sexologists, and doctors have put a lot of thought into discussing asexuality from a non-biased standpoint. This research however, is not readily available to the average person. This is when accredited individuals in science-based fields need to come forward as one to properly address controversy. Without a public statement or stance by reliable sources, rumors will continue to leak into conversations and influence opinions, leaving asexuals to fend for themselves.

Support and education is also needed for those who identify as asexual. For so long, asexuals felt isolated and broken for simply being different. It’s time to support and encourage them in their lives, instead of ridiculing them. They need reassurance that there is nothing wrong with them and that they are not alone in their feelings. Education in daily life, whether it be a brochure or a poster, can help non-asexuals recognize and address the asexual community. They are going to always be around, they’re not going away. People need to understand this so they can work together to create a more diverse, accepting, and positive society.

Media is a major aspect of the modern world, influencing what we buy to even what we think of other groups of people. Such little asexual representation leaves so much room for stereotypes and falacies. There is a need for more representation in books, movies, and television to introduce people with differences. What people see reflects how they think, and their opinions of others. If all they know is distasteful jokes about asexuals, then those people in turn become a joke to them. By demonstrating the humanity and complexity that asexuals have, instead of misconceptions and character tropes, it spreads awareness that they too, are normal people. Incorporating positive portrayals of asexuality in the media, can go a long way in challanging misconstrued beliefs.

In conclusion, there is a serious lack of attention to people who do not experience sexual attraction. These people exist, and even though they are a minority, they deserve to be treated with respect. Misinformation of asexuality leads to prejiduce and confusion, creating a barrier between the asexual community and the sexual community. The ultimate goal is understanding between people with differences, which in turn will create a better world.





Bogaert, A. F. (2015). Asexuality: What it is and why it matters. Journal of Sex Research, 52(4), 362-379. doi:10.1080/00224499.2015.1015713

Brotto, Gorzalka, & Yule. (2017). Human Sexuality: What do we know about a lack of sexual attraction. Sexual Health Rep, 50-56. doi:10.1007/s11930-017-0100-y

Brotto, L. A., & Yule, M. (2015, June). Asexuality: Sexual Orientation, Paraphilia, Sexual Dysfunction, or None of the Above. Archive of Sexual Behaviors, 619-627. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0802-7

Carrigan, M., Gupta, K., & Morrison, T. G. (2013, December). Asexuality Theme. Psychology & Sexuality, 4(2), 111-120. doi:10.1080/19419899.2013.774160

Cranny, S. (2017). Does Asexuality Meet the Stability Criterion for a Sexual Orientation. Archive of Sexual Behaviors, 46(3), 637-638. doi:doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0887-z

DeLuzio Chasin, C. (2011). Theoretical Issues in the Study of Asexuality. Archive of Sexual Behaviors, 40, 713-723. doi:10.1007/s10508-011-9757-x

Keleman, E. (2007). Asexuality. Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender, 103.

MacInnis, C. C., & Hodson, G. (2012, February 23). Asexuality bias. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 15(6), 725-743. doi:10.1177/1368430212442419

Van Houdenhove, E., Gijs, L., T’Sjoen, G., & Enzlin, P. (2014, May 1). Asexuality: Few Facts, Many Questions. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 40(3), 175-192. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2012.751073


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