How to make a beret out of an old shirt


Difficulty: Easy
Time: 1-2 hours
Need: old clothing piece, sewing machine, scissors, thread. Optional: elastic.

1. Cut out the fabric pieces shown in the image above: a circle with a diameter of 40 cm; another identical circle but with a 27 cm hole cut out of the middle; and a band 15 cm high by about 56 cm wide (you should measure your own head for this number; leave room for a seam but not too much room or else the hat won’t be snug enough. If you want to use elastic, cut a longer rectangle.)

2. Sew the donut-shaped piece to the circle, right sides together (the right side is the outside)

3. After you sew these together, you will have a seam on the inside of the hat. Go through and cut little triangles out of it, making sure not to hit the seam line. This helps the hat bend properly.


4. Sew the head band piece (the rectangular one) into a loop, making sure you sew the right sides together with a 6 mm stitch. Now, fold the band in half, right sides out, so that it is 7.5 cm high.

5. Sew the band to the rest of the hat, right sides together; the circumference of the donut will be longer than the circumference of the head band, so you will have to gather the donut piece; you can either gather as you stitch it onto the band, or baste the donut-shaped piece and gather it that way, proceeding to sew the band on afterwards.

Note: If you like, you can cut a longer band in the beginning and add elastic band to make sure the beret fits snugly.